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предыдущий раздел Содержание следующий раздел

(СЕД № 12)

Париж, 11 декабря 1953 года

(Неофициальный перевод)


  Приложения I, II и III (English)


   Приложение IV (English)



Нижеподписавшиеся правительства, будучи членами Совета Европы,

Рассматривая в качестве цели Совета Европы достижение большего единства между государствами-членами во имя содействия среди прочего социальному прогрессу;

Подтверждая принцип, что граждане любой Договаривающейся Стороны - участницы настоящего Соглашения должны иметь согласно законам и нормам любой другой Договаривающейся Стороны, относящимся к выплате пенсий по старости, инвалидности и потере кормильца, равные права с гражданами последней, принцип, закрепленный в конвенциях Международной Организации Труда;

Подтверждая также принцип, что граждане любой Договаривающейся Стороны должны получать пенсии по старости, инвалидности и потере кормильца на основе соответствующих соглашений, заключенных между двумя или более Договаривающимися Сторонами;

Желая осуществить эти принципы путем заключения временного соглашения в ожидании заключения конвенции общего характера, основанной на сети двусторонних соглашений,

Договорились о нижеследующем:

Статья 1

1. Настоящее Соглашение применяется ко всем законам и нормам в области социального обеспечения, которые действуют на дату его подписания или могут впоследствии вступить в силу на любой части территории Договаривающихся Сторон и которые относятся к:

a. пенсиям по старости;

b. пенсиям по инвалидности иным, чем те, которые назначаются согласно страхованию трудовых увечий;

c. пенсиям, выплачиваемым лицам, потерявшим кормильца, иным, чем пособия на погребение, или пенсиям, которые назначаются согласно страхованию трудовых увечий.

2. Настоящее Соглашение применяется к пенсиям, выплачиваемым как из страховых взносов, так и не из страховых взносов. Оно не применяется к государственной помощи, к специальным пенсиям для государственных служащих и к пенсиям, выплачиваемым инвалидам войны или инвалидам вследствие иностранной оккупации.

3. В целях настоящего Соглашения термин "пенсия" включает любое увеличение пенсии или прибавку к ней.

4. Термины "граждане" и "территория" Договаривающейся Стороны имеют значение, приданное им этой Договаривающейся Стороной в заявлении, направленном Генеральному Секретарю Совета Европы для его передачи всем другим Договаривающимся сторонам.

Статья 2

1. В соответствии с положениями Статьи 9 гражданин любой Договаривающейся Стороны имеет право на получение пенсии согласно законам и правилам любой другой Договаривающейся Стороны на тех же условиях, на которых он имел бы такое право, если бы являлся гражданином последней, если:

a. в случае получения пенсий по инвалидности, выплачиваемых как из страховых взносов, так и не из страховых взносов, он обычно проживал на территории последней Договаривающейся Стороны до получения им первого медицинского заключения о болезни, ставшей причиной инвалидности;

b. в случае получения пенсий, выплачиваемых не из страховых взносов, он проживал на этой территории в совокупности в течение не менее пятнадцати лет после достижения возраста двадцати лет, обычно проживал непрерывно на этой территории в течение как минимум пяти лет, непосредственно предшествующих подаче заявления о пенсии, и продолжает обычно проживать на этой территории;

c. в случае получения пенсий, выплачиваемых из страховых взносов, он проживает на территории любой Договаривающейся Стороны.

2. В любом случае, когда законы и правила любой Договаривающейся Стороны ограничивают права гражданина этой Стороны, который не родился на ее территории, гражданин любой другой Договаривающейся Стороны, который родился на территории последней, имеет те же права, которые он имел бы, если бы он являлся гражданином первой Договаривающейся Стороны, который родился на ее территории.

Статья 3

1. Любое соглашение, относящееся к законам и правилам, упомянутым в Статье 1, которое было или может быть заключено любыми двумя или более Договаривающимися Сторонами, применяется, при условии соблюдения положений Статьи 9 к гражданам любой другой Договаривающейся Стороны, как если бы они были гражданами одной из первых Договаривающихся Сторон, в той мере, в какой такое соглашение в отношении этих законов и правил:

a. определяет, по каким законам и правилам лицо должно быть застраховано;

b. сохраняет приобретенные права и права в процессе приобретения и, в частности, суммирует страховые периоды и эквивалентные сроки для установления права на получение пенсии и рассчитывает размер полагающейся пенсии;

c. предусматривает выплату пенсий лицам, проживающим на территории любой Стороны такого соглашения;

d. дополняет и регулирует реализацию положений такого соглашения, упомянутых в данном параграфе.

2. Положения параграфа 1 данной статьи не применяются к положениям вышеупомянутого соглашения, которые касаются пенсий, выплачиваемых не из страховых взносов, за исключением случаев, когда заинтересованный гражданин проживал на территории Договаривающейся Стороны, согласно законам и правилам которой он претендует на пенсию, в совокупности в течение не менее пятнадцати лет после достижения возраста двадцати лет и обычно проживал непрерывно на этой территории в течение как минимум, пяти лет непосредственно предшествующих подаче заявления о пенсии.

Статья 4

В соответствии с положениями любого соответствующего двустороннего или многостороннего соглашения пенсии, которые при отсутствии настоящего Соглашения не были назначены или их выплата была временно прекращена, будут выплачиваться или будут восстановлены начиная с даты вступления настоящего Соглашения в силу для всех Договаривающихся Сторон, которых касается заявление о назначении пенсии, при условии, что это заявление представлено в течение года после данной даты или в течение более продолжительного периода времени, который может быть определен Договаривающейся Стороной, согласно законам и правилам которой подано заявление о назначении пенсии. Если заявление о назначении пенсии в течение такого периода не подано, данная пенсия назначается или ее выплата восстанавливается с даты подачи заявления о назначении или более ранней даты, которая может быть установлена последней Договаривающейся Стороной.

Статья 5

Положения настоящего Соглашения не ограничивают положений национальных законов или правил, международных конвенций, двусторонних или многосторонних соглашений, которые являются для получателя пенсий более выгодными.

Статья 6

Настоящее Соглашение не затрагивает тех положений национальных законов и норм, которые касаются участия застрахованных лиц и других категорий заинтересованных лиц в сфере управления социальным обеспечением.

Статья 7

1. Приложение I к настоящему Соглашению устанавливает применительно к каждой Договаривающейся Стороне социальное обеспечение, к которому применяется Статья 1 и которое действует на любой части ее территории на дату подписания настоящего Соглашения.

2. Каждая Договаривающаяся Сторона уведомляет Генерального Секретаря Совета Европы о всех новых законах и нормах тех видов, которые не включены в Приложение I применительно к этой Стороне.

Такие уведомления делаются каждой Договаривающейся Стороной в течение трех месяцев со дня публикации нового закона или нормы либо, если такой закон или норма публикуется до даты ратификации настоящего Соглашения заинтересованной Договаривающейся Стороной, в день ратификации.

Статья 8

В Приложении II к настоящему Соглашению указываются относящиеся к каждой Договаривающейся Стороне заключенные ею соглашения, к которым применяется Статья 3 и которые действуют на дату подписания настоящего Соглашения.

Статья 9

1. В Приложении III к настоящему Соглашению излагаются оговорки к нему, сделанные на дату подписания.

2. Любая Договаривающаяся Сторона может в момент уведомления в соответствии со Статьей 7 или Статьей 8 сделать оговорку относительно применения настоящего Соглашения к любому закону, норме или соглашению, которые упоминаются в этом уведомлении. Все такие оговорки сопровождаются соответствующим уведомлением; они вступают в силу с даты вступления в силу нового закона, нормы или соглашения.

3. Любая Договаривающаяся Сторона может отозвать либо целиком, либо частично любую оговорку, сделанную ею путем уведомления Генерального Секретаря Совета Европы. Такое уведомление вступает в силу в первый день месяца, следующего за месяцем, в котором оно получено, и настоящее Соглашение применяется соответствующим образом.

Статья 10

Приложения к настоящему Соглашению являются составной частью настоящего Соглашения.

Статья 11

1. Способы реализации настоящего Соглашения определяются, при необходимости, путем договоренностей между компетентными властями Договаривающихся Сторон.

2. Компетентные власти Договаривающихся Сторон стремятся решать все споры относительно толкования и реализации настоящего Соглашения путем переговоров.

3. Если в течение трех месяцев такой спор путем переговоров не решен, он выносится на арбитражное решение арбитражного органа, о составе и процедуре которого заинтересованные Договаривающиеся Стороны достигают соглашения, или, в случае отсутствия такого соглашения, в течение еще одного срока продолжительностью три месяца арбитром, выбранным по просьбе любой из заинтересованных Договаривающихся Сторон Председателем Международного Суда ООН. Если последний является гражданином одной из Сторон в споре, этот вопрос решает заместитель Председателя Суда или следующий в порядке старшинства судья, не являющийся гражданином Сторон в споре.

4. Решение арбитражного органа или арбитра принимаются в соответствии с принципами и духом настоящего Соглашения и имеют окончательный и обязательный характер.

Статья 12

В случае денонсации настоящего Соглашения любой из Договаривающихся Сторон,

a. любое право, приобретенное лицом в соответствии с его положениями, сохраняется и, в частности, если это лицо в соответствии с его положениями имеет право получать какую-либо пенсию согласно законам и нормам одной из Договаривающихся Сторон во время проживания на территории другой, это лицо продолжает пользоваться этим правом;

b. в соответствии с условиями, которые могут быть установлены дополнительными соглашениями, заключенными заинтересованными Договаривающимися Сторонами для регулирования прав, находящихся в процессе приобретения, положения настоящего Соглашения продолжают применяться к страховым стажам и эквивалентным срокам, приобретенным до даты вступления денонсации в силу.

Статья 13

1. Настоящее Соглашение открыто к подписанию государствами-членами Совета Европы. Оно подлежит ратификации. Ратификационные грамоты сдаются на хранение Генеральному секретарю Совета Европы.

2. Настоящее Соглашение вступает в силу в первый день месяца после даты сдачи на хранение второй ратификационной грамоты.

3. В отношении каждого государства, подписавшего настоящее Соглашение, которое впоследствии ратифицирует его, настоящее Соглашение вступает в силу в первый день месяца после даты сдачи на хранение его ратификационной грамоты.

Статья 14

1. Комитет Министров Совета Европы может пригласить любое Государство, не являющееся членом Совета Европы, присоединиться к настоящему Соглашению.

2. Присоединение осуществляется путем сдачи на хранение Генеральному Секретарю Совета Европы документа о присоединении, который вступает в силу в первый день месяца после даты его сдачи.

3. Любой документ о присоединении, сданный на хранение в соответствии с данной статьей, сопровождается уведомлением о той информации, которая содержалась бы в Приложениях I и II к настоящему Соглашению, если бы правительство заинтересованного государства на дату присоединения подписало его.

4. В целях настоящего Соглашения любая информация, о которой сделано уведомление в соответствии с параграфом 3 данной статьи, считается частью того приложения, в котором она была бы зафиксирована, если бы правительство заинтересованного, Государства подписало его.

Статья 15

Генеральный Секретарь Совета Европы уведомляет:

a. все государства-члены Совета Европы и Генерального директора Международного Бюро Труда о:

i. дате вступления настоящего Соглашения в силу и о любых государствах-членах, которые ратифицируют его;

ii. сдаче на хранение любого документа о присоединении в соответствии со Статьей 14 и о полученных вместе с ним уведомлениях;

iii. любом уведомлении, полученном в соответствии со Статьей 16 и дате его вступления в силу;

b. Договаривающиеся Стороны и Генерального Директора Международного Бюро Труда о:

i. любом уведомлении, полученном в соответствии со Статьями 7 и 8;

ii. любой оговорке, сделанной в соответствии с параграфом 2 Статьи 9;

iii. отзыве любой оговорки в соответствии с параграфом 3 Статьи 9.

В удостоверение чего нижеподписавшиеся, должным образом на то уполномоченные, подписали настоящее Соглашение.

Совершено в Париже 11 декабря 1953 года на английском и французском языках, причем оба текста имеют одинаковую силу, в единственном экземпляре, который хранится в архиве Совета Европы и заверенную копию которого Генеральный Секретарь Совета Европы направляет каждому государству, подписавшему настоящее Соглашение, и Генеральному Директору Международного Бюро Труда.

English version


Updated as of 30 April 2002 - this page is updated following each communication









Laws and regulations relating to :

a. The income guaranteed to aged persons.

b. Retirement and survivors' pensions : schemes for employed persons and for self-employed persons.

c. Sickness and invalidity insurance : schemes for employed persons and for self-employed persons.

d. Allowances for handicapped persons.

The schemes listed under a. and d. are of a non-contributory nature, the others being contributory.


Social Insurance Law and the Regulations made thereunder which establish a scheme providing benefits in respect of old-age, invalidity and benefits payable to survivors (widow's pension and orphan's benefit).

The scheme is of a contributory nature.

Czech Republic

Schemes regulated by the Social Insurance Act related to :

a. old-age pensions.

b. invalidity pensions.

c. survival pension (widow, widower and orphan pension).

All the above are contributory schemes.


Laws and regulations relating to :

a. Old-age pensions.

b. Invalidity pensions.

c. Widow's pensions (to be abolished with effect from 1 January 1984).

d. The Labour Market Supplementary Pension.

All these schemes are of a non-contributory nature, with the exception of the Labour Market Supplementary Pension which implies contributions from the employers and the employees.


Laws and regulations relating to:

a. Old age pensions;

b. National pensions;

c. Invalidity pensions;

d. Survivors pensions;

e. Social tax.

The schemes listed under a, c and d are contributory social security schemes. The scheme mentioned under b. is non-contributory.


Laws and regulations relating to :

a. The organisation of social security.

b. General provisions governing the social insurance system applicable to insured persons in non-agriculture employment.

c. Social insurance provisions applicable to employed persons, and persons treated as employed persons, in agricultural employment.

d. Allowances granted to aged employees.

e. Allowances granted to aged persons other than employees.

f. Special social security schemes.

g. Laws on special allowances.

h. Allowances for compensation to the blind and to seriously disabled workers.

i. The additional benefit paid by the Fonds national de Solidarit?.

j. Law No. 65/555 of 10 July 1965, published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic on 11 July 1965, extending to all persons of French nationality working elsewhere than on French territory (whether employees or not) the option of joining the voluntary insurance scheme.

k. Law No. 76-1287 of 31 December 1976, published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic on 1 January 1977, relating to the situation with regard to the social security of French workers seconded or expatriated abroad.

l. Law No. 80-471 of 27 June 1980, published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic of 28 June 1980, extending the social protection of French nationals abroad.

m. Law No. 84-604 of 13 July 1984, published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic of 14 July 1984, adopting various measures relating to the improvement of the social protection of French nationals abroad.

The schemes listed under a., b., c. and f. above are of a contributory nature.

The schemes listed under d., g., h. and i. are non-contributory.

The laws relating to e. provide, first, for a permanent scheme of a contributory nature, and, secondly, for a temporary scheme of a non-contributory nature applied to persons who do not fulfil the conditions governing payment of contributions prescribed under the contributory scheme.


Laws and regulations relating to :

a. Pension insurance for manual workers.

b. Pension insurance for salaried employees and artisans.

c. Pension insurance for miners.

All these schemes are of a contributory nature.


Laws and regulations relating to :

a. Social insurance.

b. Special pension schemes for certain categories of workers, including certain liberal professions (lawyers, doctors, civil engineers, etc.).

These schemes are of a contributory nature.

c. The system of family allowances applicable to employed persons (Legislative Decree No. 3868/1959 and Regulations).

d. Social Insurance for agricultural workers (Law 4169/1961, Legislative Decrees and Regulations).


Laws and regulations relating to :

a. Old-age pensions.

b. Invalidity pensions.

c. i. Children's annuities.

ii. Widows' annuities.

For the purpose of this Agreement, these schemes are accepted as non-contributory.


Laws and regulations relating to :

a. Non-contributory Old Age and Blind Persons' Pensions.

b. Contributory Old Age, Retirement and Invalidity Pensions.

c. Widows' and Orphans' pensions, contributory and non-contributory.

d. Disabled persons' (maintenance) allowances.

The scheme listed under d. above is non-contributory.


Laws and regulations relating to :

a. General compulsory insurance in case of invalidity, old age and death.

b. Special compulsory insurance schemes for certain categories of employees.

These schemes are of a contributory nature.


Laws and regulations relating to:

a. State social insurance;

b. State pensions;

c. Social assistance concerning State social provision allowances.


Lithuanian laws and regulations relating to:

a. old-age pensions;

b. invalidity pensions;

c. widows and orphans (survivors) pensions;

d. social pensions.

All these schemes, except paragraph d., are contributory.


Laws and regulations relating to :

a. Pensions insurance for wage earners.

b. Pensions insurance for salaried employees in private employment (including intellectual self-employed persons).

c. Supplementary insurance for wage earners in mining and metal working, technicians employed in underground mines and professional drivers.

d. Pensions insurance for artisans and for self-employed persons in commerce and industry.

e. Pensions insurance for agricultural cultivators.

The schemes are all contributory except the provisional pensions for artisans.


Laws and regulations relating to :

a. Insurance in case of incapacity for work.

b. General insurance in case of incapacity for work.

c. General old-age insurance.

d. Pension scheme for minors.

e. General insurance for widows and orphans.

The schemes mentioned under a., b., d. and e. are contributory. The legislation mentioned under c. introduces a permanent contributory scheme and a transitional non-contributory scheme for persons no longer entitled to normal benefit by reason of their advanced age at the time when this legislation came into force.


Laws and regulations relating to :

a. Old-age, invalidity and survivors pensions under the National Insurnce Act of 17 June 1966.

b. Special Supplement to benefits from the National Insurance Scheme under the Act of 19 June 1969.

c. Compensation Supplement to benefits from the National Insurance Scheme under the Act of 19 December 1969.

d. Pension insurance for seamen under the Act of 3 December 1948.

e. Pension insurance for forestry workers under the Act of 3 December 1951.

f. Pension insurance for fishermen under the Act of 28 June 1957.

The schemes listed under a. are non-contributory as far as the basic pension is concerned and contributory as far as the supplementary pension is concerned. The schemes listed under b. and c. are non-contributory while the schemes listed under d., e. and f. are contributory.


Laws and regulations on :

a. benefits in respect of invalidity and old age;

b. benefits in respect of death (survivors);

c. special schemes for specific ranks of workers, insofar as they relate to the benefits mentioned in the sub-paragraphs here-above.

All these schemes are contributory.


Laws and regulations relating to :

a. Old-age benefits (pension).

b. Invalidity benefits.

c. Survivors' benefits from the general scheme and the special schemes of Social Security.

These schemes are of a contributory nature.


Laws and regulations relating to :

National Basic Pensions under the National Insurance Act of 25 May 1962 (No. 381) which came into force on 1 January 1963.

This scheme is non-contributory.


a. The Social Insurance legislation in force applying to employed persons, excluding agricultural workers other than those employed in forestry works and those employed on wages in the public or private agricultural works and those employed in such works which are related to agricultural crafts or carried out at agricultural work places without being considered as agricultural works and those employed in parks, gardens or plant nurseries or in similar works at such work places which are not considered as agricultural work places :

i. Invalidity insurance

ii. Old-age insurance

iii. Survivors' insurance.

b. The legislation pertaining to the special regime applying to the Social Insurance Funds which have been taken into the scope of the social insurance system and which, as a minimum requirement, are charged with the application of the above legislation.

c. The Social Insurance legislation applied to small businessmen and artisans and other self-employed persons :

i. Invalidity insurance

ii. Old-age insurance

iii. Survivors' insurance.

The above schemes are contributory.

United Kingdom

Laws and regulations concerning Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man :

a. Establishing insurance schemes in respect of sickness, widowhood, orphanhood and old age.

b. Relating to supplementary pensions and non-contributory invalidity pensions.

The schemes mentioned under a. are contributory. The schemes mentioned under b. are non-contributory.



a. Convention between Belgium and the Netherlands in respect of the application of the legislation of the two countries as regards social insurance, dated 29 August 1947.

b. General Convention between Belgium and France on social security, dated 17 January 1948.

c. General Convention between Belgium and Italy on social security, dated 30 April 1948.

d. General Convention between Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on social security, dated 3 December 1949.

e. Multilateral Convention on social security concluded by the Brussels Treaty Powers on 7 November 1949.

f. Agreement on the social security of Rhine boatmen, dated 27 July 1950, revised on 13 February 1961.

g. Convention between Belgium, France and Italy on social security, dated 19 January 1951.

h. Convention on social security between His Majesty the King of the Belgians and Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth, signed at Brussels on 20 May 1957.

i. (i) General Convention on social security between the Kingdom of Belgium and the Federal Republic of Germany, Supplementary Agreements and Final Protocol, signed at Bonn on 7 December 1957 (entry into force: 9 November 1963, with retroactive effect from 1 January 1959).

(ii) Supplementary Protocol to the General Convention on social security, to the third Supplementary Agreement and to the Final Protocol, signed at Bonn, on 10 November 1960 (entry into force: 9 November 1963, with retroactive effect from 1 January 1959).

j. General Convention between Belgium and Greece on social security, signed at Athens on 1 April 1958 (entry into force: 1 January 1961) and revised by the Convention of 27 September 1967.

k. General Convention on social security between the Kingdom of Belgium and the Republic of Turkey, signed at Brussels on 4 July 1966 (entry into force: 1 May 1968), revised by the Convention of 2 Feburary 1981.

l. General Convention on social security between the Kingdom of Belgium and the Republic of Portugal, dated 14 September 1970 (entry into force: 1 May 1973).

m. Convention between Belgium and Spain on social security dated 28 November 1956, revised by the Convention of 1 October 1967.


a. Agreement on Social Insurance between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, dated 6 October 1969.

b. Agreement on Social Security between the Government of the Republic of Cyprus and the Government of the Hellenic Republic, dated 1 July 1979.

Czech Republic

a. General Convention on Social Security between the Czechoslovak Republic and the Republic of France signed on 12 October 1948 with Supplementary agreement in revised version of 17 October 1967.

b. Agreement between the Czech Republic and the Republic of Cyprus on Social Security signed on 19 January 1999 (entry into force: 1 March 2000).

c. Agreement between the Czech Republic and the Republic of Lithuania on Social Security signed on 27 January 1999 (entry into force: 1 August 2000).

d. Agreement between the Czech Republic and the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg on Social Security signed on 17 November 2000 (entry into force: 1 March 2002).


a. General Convention between Denmark and France on social security, dated 30 June 1951.

b. Convention between Denmark and the Federal Republic of Germany on social security, dated 14 August 1953, with Final Protocol and Supplementary Agreement.

c. Convention between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden on social security, dated 15 September 1955, with Additional Protocol, revised on 5 March 1981, in force as of 1 January 1982.

d. Convention on social security between Denmark and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, dated 27 August 1959.

e. Convention on social security between Denmark and Turkey, dated 22 January 1976, in force as of 1 February 1978.


Agreement on Social Security between the Republic of Estonia and the Republic of Lithuania, signed on 28 May 1996, entered into force on 10 February 1997.

Agreement on Social Security between the Republic of Estonia and the Republic of Latvia, signed on 28 May 1996, entered into force on 29 January 1997.


a. General Convention between France and Belgium on social security, dated 17 January 1948.

b. General Convention between France and Italy to co-ordinate the application of French social security legislation and of Italian social insurance and family benefits legislation to the nationals of the two countries, dated 31 March 1948.

c. General Convention between France and the United Kingdom on social security, signed on 10 July 1956.

d. General Convention between France and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on social security, dated 12 November 1949.

e. General Convention between France and the Netherlands on social security, dated 7 January 1950.

f. General Convention between France and the Federal Republic of Germany on social security, dated 10 July 1950.

g. General Convention between France and Denmark on social security, dated 30 June 1951.

h. Multilateral Convention on social security concluded by the Brussels Treaty Powers on 7 November 1949.

i. Convention between France, Italy and the Saar to extend and co-ordinate the application to nationals of the three countries of French social security legislation and Italian and Saar legislation on social insurance and family benefits, dated 27 November 1952.

j. Convention between France, Belgium and Italy to extend and co-ordinate the application to nationals of the three countries of Belgian and French social security legislation and of Italian legislation on social insurance and family benefits, dated 19 January 1951.

k. General Convention between France and Norway on social security, signed on 30 September 1954 and in force as from 1 July 1956.

l. General Convention between France and Greece on social security, signed on 19 April 1958 and in force since 1 May 1959.

m. Agreement concluded in application of Article 21 of the Supplementary Agreement to the General Convention of 12 November 1949 between France and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, applicable to miners and equivalent categories.


a. General Convention between the Federal Republic of Germany and France on social security, dated 10 July 1950, entered into force on 1 January 1952.

b. Convention between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on social insurance, dated 29 March 1951, entered into force on 1 November 1952.

c. Convention between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Italy on social insurance, dated 5 May 1953, entered into force on 1 April 1954.

d. Convention between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Denmark on social insurance, dated 14 August 1953, entered into force on 1 November 1954.

e. Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and Great Britain, dated 20 April 1960, relating to social security, entered into force on 1 August 1961.

f. General Convention on social security between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Belgium, dated 7 December 1957 (including the Supplementary Agreements and the Final Protocol) as well as the Protocol of 10 November 1960 (entered into force on 9 November 1963 with retroactive effect from 1 January 1959).

g. Revised Agreement of 13 February 1961 on social security for Rhine boatmen, entered into force for the Federal Republic of Germany on 1 February 1970.

h. Convention between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Greece on social security, dated 25 April 1961, entered into force on 1 November 1966, as amended and completed by the Convention dated 21 March 1967.

i. Convention between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Turkey on social security, dated 30 April 1964, entered into force on 1 November 1965.

j. Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Portugal on social security, dated 6 November 1964.

k. Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Sweden on social security, dated 27 February 1976.


a. General Convention between Greece and France on social security, signed on 19 April 1958.

b. General Convention between Greece and Belgium on social security, signed on 1 April 1958.

c. Convention between Greece and the Federal Republic of Germany on social security, signed on 25 April 1961.


Convention between Iceland, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, dated 15 September 1955.


a. Agreement on social security of 29 March 1960 between Ireland and the United Kingdom.

b. Agreement relating to insurance and workmen's compensation between the Minister for Social Welfare and the Northern Ireland Ministry of Labour and National Insurance of 22 July 1964.

c. Agreement on social security of 28 February 1966 between Ireland and the United Kingdom.

d. Agreement on social security of 3 October 1968 between Ireland and the United Kingdom.

e. Agreement on social security of 14 September 1971 between Ireland and the United Kingdom.


a. General Convention between Italy and France to co-ordinate the application of French social security legislation and of Italian social insurance and family benefits legislation to the nationals of the two countries, dated 31 March 1948.

b. General Convention between Italy and Belgium on social insurance, dated 30 April 1948.

c. Convention between Belgium, France and Italy to extend and co-ordinate the application of Belgian and French social security legislation and Italian social insurance and family benefits legislation to the nationals of the three countries, dated 19 January 1951.

d. General Convention between the Republic of Italy and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on social security, dated 29 May 1951.

e. Convention on social insurance between the Republic of Italy and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, dated 28 November 1951.

f. General Convention between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Italy on social insurance, dated 28 October 1952.

g. Convention between the Republic of Italy and the Federal Republic of Germany on social insurance, dated 5 May 1953.

h. Convention between the Republic of Italy and the Kingdom of Sweden on social security, dated 25 September 1979.

i. Convention between the Republic of Italy and the Kingdom of Norway on social security, dated 12 June 1959.

j. Convention between the Republic of Italy and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on social insurance in Italy and in Northern Ireland, dated 29 January 1957.

k. Convention between Italy, France and the Saar to extend and co-ordinate the application to the nationals of all three countries of French social security legislation and Italian and Saar legislation on social security and family allowances, dated 27 November 1952.


a. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on the Co-operation in the Field of Social Insurance signed on 17 December 1993 and entered into force on 31 January 1995.

b. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Republic of Estonia on Co-operation in the Field of Social Security signed on 28 May 1996 and entered into force on 29 January 1997.


a. General Convention between the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and France on social security, dated 12 November 1949.

b. General Convention between the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and Belgium on social security, dated 3 December 1949.

c. General Convention between the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Netherlands on social security, dated 8 July 1950.

d. Multilateral Convention on social security concluded by the Brussels Treaty Powers on 7 November 1949.

e. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, dated 13 October 1953.

f. General Convention between the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Italian Republic on social security, dated 29 May 1951.

g. Convention on social security between the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and Portugal of 12 February 1965, with the exception of Article 3, paragraph 2 and special Protocol of 12 February 1965, in the wording of the supplementary agreements of 5 June 1972 and 20 May 1977.


a. Convention between the Netherlands and Belgium with respect to the application of the legislation of the two countries as regards social insurance, dated 29 August 1947, as amended by the Convention of 4 November 1957 revising the Convention of 29 August 1947.

b. General Convention between the Netherlands and France on social security, dated 7 January 1950.

c. Convention between the Netherlands and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on social security, dated 8 July 1950.

d. Convention between the Netherlands and the Federal Republic of Germany on social insurance, dated 29 March 1951.

e. Multilateral Convention on social security concluded by the Brussels Treaty Powers on 7 November 1949.

f. Agreement on social security for Rhine boatmen, dated 27 July 1950, replaced by the Convention on social security for Rhine boatmen, dated 13 February 1961 (entered into force on 1 February 1970).

g. General Convention between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Italian Republic on social insurance, dated 28 October 1952.

h. Convention between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on social security, dated 11 August 1954.

i. Convention between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Turkey on social security and Protocol of signature, dated 5 April 1966 (entered into force on 1 April 1968), as amended by the Convention of 4 September 1980 revising the Convention of 5 April 1966.

j. Convention between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Greece on social security, dated 13 September 1966 (entered into force on 1 July 1970).

k. Convention on social security between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Portugal, dated 19 July 1979 (entered into force on 1 January 1981).

l. Convention on social security between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Kingdom of Sweden, dated 2 July 1982 (entered into force on 1 March 1983).


a. Convention between Norway and France on social security of 30 September 1954, in force as of 1 July 1956.

b. Convention between Norway and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland of 25 July 1957, in force as of 1 April 1958.

c. Convention between Norway and Italy on social security of 12 June 1959, in force as of 1 February 1962.

d. Convention between Norway and the Republic of Turkey of 20 July 1978, in force as of 1 June 1981. Administrative Agreement of 30 July 1981.

e. Convention between Norway and the Republic of Portugal on social security of 5 June 1980, in force as of 1 September 1981. Administrative Agreement of 15 December 1980.

f. Convention between Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden on social security of 5 March 1981, in force as of 1 January 1982. Administrative Agreement of 25 October 1982.

g. Convention between Norway and the Republic of Greece on social security of 12 June 1980, in force as of 1 June 1983. Administrative Agreement of 12 December 1980.


a. General Convention between Portugal and Belgium on social security and Protocol of 14 September 1970.

b. General Convention between Portugal and France on social security of 29 July 1971 in the wording of the supplementary agreements of 7 February 1977 and 1 October 1979.

General Protocol of 29 July 1971 and Supplementary Protocol of 1 October 1979.

c. Convention between Portugal and the Federal Republic of Germany on social security of 6 November 1964, in the amended version of 30 September 1974.

d. Convention between Portugal and Luxembourg on social security of 12 February 1965, excluding Article 3, paragraph 2, and Special Protocol of 12 February 1965 in the wording of the supplementary agreements of 5 June 1972 and 20 May 1977.

e. Convention between Portugal and the Netherlands on social security and Final Protocol of 19 July 1979.

f. Convention between Portugal and Sweden on social security of 25 October 1978.

g. Convention between Portugal and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on social security of 15 November 1978.

h. Convention between Portugal and Norway on social security and Protocol thereto of 5 June 1980.

i. Convention on social security between Portugal and Spain, signed on 11 June 1969.


a. General Convention between Spain and Belgium on social security, dated 28 November 1956 (entered into force on 1 July 1958).

b. Convention between the Spanish State and the Federal Republic of Germany on social security, dated 4 December 1973 (entered into force on 1 November 1977).

c. Convention between Spain and Italy on Social Security, dated 30 October 1971 (entered into force on 1 November 1982).

d. Convention and Special Attached Protocol between the Spanish government and the government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on social security, dated 8 May 1969 (entered into force on 1 January 1972) and Supplementary Agreement, dated 27 June 1975 (entered into force on 1 June 1977).

e. Convention between the Spanish State and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on social security, dated 5 February 1974 (entered into force on 1 December 1974)

f. General Convention between Spain and Portugal on social security, dated 11 June 1969 (entered into force on 1 July 1970).

g. Convention between Spain and Sweden on social security, dated 4 February 1983 (entered into force on 1 July 1984).

h. Convention on social security between Spain and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, dated l3 September 1974 (entered into force on 1 April 1975).

i. General Convention on social security between the Spanish State and the French Republic, dated 31 October 1974 and Protocol (entered into force on 1 April 1976).


Convention between Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway on social security, dated 15 September 1955, revised by Agreement of 2 December 1969, with Additional Protocol.


a. Convention on social security between Turkey and the United Kingdom signed on 9 September 1959 and entered into force on 1 June 1961.

b. Convention on social security between Turkey and the Federal Republic of Germany, signed on 30 April 1964 and entered into force on 1 November 1965.

c. Convention on social security between Turkey and the Netherlands, signed on 5 April 1966 and entered into force on 1 February 1968.

d. Convention on social security between Turkey and Belgium, signed on 4 July 1966 and entered into force on 1 May 1968.

e. Convention on social security between Turkey and France, signed on 20 January 1972 and entered into force on 1 August 1973.

f. Convention on social security between Turkey and Denmark, signed on 22 January 1976 and entered into force on 1 February 1978.

g. Convention on social security between Turkey and Sweden, signed on 30 June 1978 and entered into force on 1 May 1981.

h. Convention on social security between Turkey and Norway, signed on 20 July 1978 and entered into force on 1 June 1981.

United Kingdom

a. Convention on social security and Protocol concerning benefits in kind between the United Kingdom and Belgium, signed in Brussels on 20 May 1957.

b. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and Cyprus, signed in Nicosia on 6 October 1969.

c. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and Denmark, signed in London on 27 August 1959.

d. Convention on social security (with Protocols) between the United Kingdom and France, signed in Paris on 10 July 1956.

e. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Germany, signed in Bonn on 20 April 1960.

f. Agreement on social security between the United Kingdom and the Irish Republic, signed in Dublin on 28 February 1966.

g. Agreement on social security between the United Kingdom and the Irish Republic, signed in Dublin on 3 October 1968.

h. Agreement on social security between the United Kingdom and the Irish Republic, signed in London on 14 September 1971.

i. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, signed in London on 13 October 1953.

j. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, signed at The Hague on 11 August 1954.

k. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and Norway, signed in London on 25 July 1957.

l. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and Portugal, signed in London on 15 November 1978.

m. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and Sweden, signed in Stockholm on 9 June 1956.

n. Convention on social security between the United Kingdom and the Republic of Turkey, signed in Ankara on 9 September 1959.


1. The Government of Belgium has formulated the following reservation :

The benefit of guaranteed income instituted by the Belgian Law of 1 April 1969, in favour of aged persons and which is a non-contributory benefit subject to a means test, will only be granted to nationals of Contracting States whose legislation allows the award of equivalent advantages of Belgian nationals.

2. The Government of Denmark has formulated the following reservation :

The provisions of the Agreement shall not apply to :

- the Convention on social security between Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, revised by the Agreement of 5 March 1981, in force as of 1 January 1982;

- the Convention on social security between Denmark and Turkey, signed on 22 January 1976, in force as of 1 February 1978.

3. The Government of France has formulated the following reservations :

a. The additional non-contributory benefit subject to a means test, provided under the French Act of 30 June 1956 establishing a Fonds national de Solidarit?, shall be granted only to nationals of those States whose legislation awards similar benefits to French nationals.

b. The provisions of the Agreement shall not apply to the Law No. 65/555 of 10 July 1965, published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic of 11 July 1965, extending to all persons of French nationality working elsewhere than on French territory (whether employees or not) the option of joining the voluntary insurance scheme.

c. The provisions of the Agreement shall not apply to the Arrangement concluded in application of Article 21 of the Supplementary Agreement to the General Convention of 12 November 1949 between France and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, applicable to miners and equivalent categories, signed in Paris on 8 September 1970.

d. The provisions of the Agreement shall not apply to the Law No. 76-1287 of 31 December 1976, published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic on 1 January 1977, relating to the situation with regard to the social security of French workers seconded or expatriated abroad.

e. The provisions of the Agreement shall not apply to the Law No. 80-471 of 27 June 1980, published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic on 28 June 1980, extending the social protection of French nationals abroad.

f. The provisions of the Agreement shall not apply to the Law No. 84-604 of 13 July 1984, published in the Official Gazette of the French Republic on 14 July 1984, adopting various measures relating to the improvement of the social protection of French nationals abroad.

4. The Government of Iceland has formulated the following reservation :

The provisions of the Agreement shall not apply to the Convention between Iceland, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden of 13 September 1961 revising the Convention of 15 September 1955 on Social Security, which is listed in Annex II.

5. The Government of Italy has formulated the following reservation :

The provisions of the Agreement shall not apply to Act No. 153 of 30 April 1969 (modified and completed), which instituted a social pension in favour of persons without resources. It is a non-contributory benefit, subject to a means condition, the amount of which is determined in relation to income. The financing is entirely borne by the State.

6. The Government of Norway has formulated the following reservations :

a. The provisions of the Agreement and Protocol shall not apply to the transitional provisions in paragraph 7-5 of the National Insurance Act of 17 June 1966.

b. The provisions of the Agreement and Protocol shall not apply to :

- the Convention between Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Sweden on social security of 5 March 1981, in force as of 1 January 1982;

- the Administrative Agreement of 25 October 1982.

c. The provisions of the Agreement and Protocol shall not apply to :

- the Convention on social security between Norway and the Republic of Portugal of 5 June 1980, in force as of 1 September 1981;

- the Administrative Agreement of 15 December 1980.

7. The Government of Sweden has formulated the following reservations :

a. The provisions of the Agreement shall not apply to those parts of the General Insurance Act of 25 May 1962 (No. 381) which deal with supplementary pensions.

b. The provisions of the Agreement shall not apply to the Convention on social security between Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway, dated 15 September 1955, revised by the Agreement of 2 December 1969.

8. The Government of the United Kingdom has formulated the following reservation :

The provisions of the Agreement shall not apply to the obsolescent schemes for non-contributory old-age pensions in Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man, it being understood that equivalent benefits are available to the nationals of the contracting countries on the same conditions as to British nationals under the Supplementary Benefit schemes of Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man.


Updated on 17 April 2002 – this page is updated following each communication

Paragraph 4 of Article 1 of the European Interim Agreements on Social Security (ETS No. 12 and ETS No. 13) and paragraph 1(b) of Article 2 of the Convention on Social and Medical Assistance (ETS No. 14) provide that the terms "nationals" and "territory" of a Contracting Party shall have the meaning assigned to them by such a party in a declaration addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe for communication to other Contracting Parties.

The meanings assigned to these terms by the member Governments of the Council of Europe in the communications which they have addressed to the Secretary General are as follows:



Persons possessing Belgian nationality.


Belgian metropolitan territory, excluding the Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi.



Persons having at 1 December 1968 acquired or being entitled to acquire, citizenship of the Republic of Cyprus, in accordance with the provisions of Annex D to the Treaty of Establishment, or those who acquire that citizenship in accordance with the Republic's Nationality Act, 1967.


The territory of the Republic of Cyprus.

Czech Republic


Citizens of the Czech Republic.


The territory of the Czech Republic.



Persons possessing Danish nationality.


Denmark itself, not including the Faroe Islands and Greenland.

Nevertheless, consideration may be given later to the question of extending the application of the Agreements to these parts of the Kingdom.



Estonian nationals.


Territory under the jurisdiction of the Republic of Estonia.



All persons of French nationality, all nationals of the French Union, except those of the Association States, and all French protected persons.


Metropolitan France and its overseas departments (Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique and R?union).

Federal Republic of Germany


All Germans within the meaning of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany.


Territory to which the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies. The Federal Government reserves the right to notify the Secretary General of the Council of Europe that the application of the Agreements shall be extended to Land Berlin, and this notification shall be binding on the Contracting Parties as from the first day of the month following such notification.



Persons possessing Greek nationality and all holders of a valid Greek passport. Certain Greek nationals do not possess Greek passports owing to the fact that their papers of nationality are not in order or for some other reason. In these doubtful cases it would be advisable for the authorities of the Contracting Parties to consult the Greek diplomat or consular authorities, in accordance with the spirit of Article 15 of the Convention.


All Greek territory, including the Greek islands, as defined by international treaties at present in force.



All persons legally enjoying the right of Icelandic citizenship.


The territory of Iceland including surrounding islands and territorial waters subject to Icelandic jurisdiction.



Citizens of Ireland.


That part of the national territory of the whole island of Ireland for the time being under the jurisdiction of the Government of Ireland.



All citizens of the State and all persons to whom the nationality laws of the State have been extended, including all stateless persons residing on the territory of the State.


The national metropolitan territory.



- Citizens of the Republic of Latvia;
- Non-citizens of the Republic of Latvia who are subjects of the Law on the Status of Former USSR Citizens who are not Citizens of Latvia or any other State.


All the territory of the Republic of Latvia which is in its jurisdiction in conformity with international law..



The physical persons who are citizens of the Republic of Lithuania as defined by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania;


The territory of the Republic of Lithuania, including the territorial sea and any maritime or submarine area within which the Republic of Lithuania may exercise, in accordance with international law, rights for the purpose of exploration, exploitation and preservation of the sea-bed, sub-soil and natural resources.



Persons of Luxembourg nationality.


The territory of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.



Persons of Netherlands nationality.


The territory of the Kingdom in Europe.



Persons of Norwegian nationality according to the Norwegian Nationality Act of 8th December 1950.


The Kingdom of Norway, with the exception of Svalbard. The Agreements will not apply to the Svalbard (Spitzbergen) Archipelago, although these territories form a part of the Kingdom, owing to the fact that the Norwegian social security system has not been extended to the said territories.



Persons of Portuguese nationality.


The metropolitan territory of Portugal and the archipelagoes of the Azores and Madeira.



Concerning the term "national", the Spanish Constitution (Art. 11.1) provides that "Spanish nationality is acquired, maintained and lost in accordance with the provisions of the law".

"Nationals" or "Spanish" are therefore those persons which the Civil Code considers as such in its Articles 17 to 28, either by their origin or on the grounds expressly laid down by law.


Concerning the term "territory", reference must be made to the "Spanish territory" or to Spain as mentioned in Article 8 of the Civil Code.

The geographical and juridical determination of the Spanish territory is very complex and is made, not only by means of international treaties with neighbouring States, but also by means of other rules of international law (territorial sea, continental shelf, economic zone, air space, ships, etc.).



Citizens of Sweden.


The territory of Sweden.



Persons possessing Turkish nationality.


The territory under Turkish sovereignty.

United Kingdom


Citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies.


England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man, but not the Channel Islands or other territories for whose international relations the United Kingdom Government are responsible; nevertheless, consideration may be given later to the question of extending the application of the Agreements to the Channel Islands.

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